be who you are.

Me perdí un tiempo, crecí, creo que maduré, perodefinitivo cambié, no se que escribiré de hoy en adelante ni cada cuando pero siempre es bueno volver a algo que te hacía sentir bien.

lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010

Used to-!

It´s been a while since I didn´t think about it...everything I used to think of....everything I used to be afraid of..., all that happened... and I never realized it so seriously.
all used to be so happy...before.
but now?..what now?
is it happy-? is it sad-? is it boring-? is it complicated-?
what is it-?
really i´m so out of this. I can´t find anything to make me think this life is for us to be happy.
life is so full of problems,of everything....and the thing that is behind all this is....LOVE.
not precisely love of girl-boy,boy-boy,girl-girl.
It can be;boy-money, girl-power, etc.
you know love can be used for everything,
you can say you love your dog, and if he dies, you cry.
you can say you love money, if there´s a crisis, you cry.
you can say you love your boyfriend,if he leaves you, you cry.
you can say you love your cellphone,if it brokes, you cry.
and don´t say no. people is so used to cry everytime and for everything.
I used to say to my old boyfriend that I never cry, no matter what happened I always deny it, in fact tomorrow I may be denying it. but he knew. that apart everything I could say. of course I cried. and I cried a lot. and I cryed... when he leaved me.
Now I can say I´m fully recovered from that. but that doesn´t means he didn´t let a big scar on me.
because of him, now I´m too afraid of loving again someone. and believe me. before him, I was also afraid. but now I´m more.
I used to be afraid of love, because I didn´t want to end like my friends that they cried a lot...and believe me A LOT.
but the truth is: i never undestood them, I used to say that they were crazy for getting in love with someone you know won´t be in love with you because...crap... you´re just in highschool.!
but now I get them. You don´t plan to get in love. It just happens...just....happens.
but well.... I think I can say that now I wont let it happen... not until I´m 25 years old.
and that friends... that is my promise.
and it beggins.

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