be who you are.

Me perdí un tiempo, crecí, creo que maduré, perodefinitivo cambié, no se que escribiré de hoy en adelante ni cada cuando pero siempre es bueno volver a algo que te hacía sentir bien.

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010

a FUTURE "BAD" day

Sometimes you wake up
feeling as shit.... yes! please admit it
everyone has passed trough a moment like this
and that friend... will be tomorrow
tomorrow is suppossed to be a bad day
´cause my subconcious
will be in another world..thinking in another person
in another life....
i´ll explain myself
sometimes you know what you want and have to do
but you don´t have the eggs ( yes I´ve just said eggs)
to do it!
so tomorrow i´ll be thinking of that all day long!
and my day will be like shit...or crap
as u want to call it!
but well I hope maybe there will
be something too interesting
for least.... try to enjoy it
i´ll tell you later what is what I have to do
but I don´t know how!

1 comentario:

Jean Baudelaire dijo...

hola niña!! cómo estas??

hace mucho tiempo que no sé de ti!

oye? tienes msn?

me quiero robar tu foto de perfil! está hermosa ^_^

un abrazote
