be who you are.

Me perdí un tiempo, crecí, creo que maduré, perodefinitivo cambié, no se que escribiré de hoy en adelante ni cada cuando pero siempre es bueno volver a algo que te hacía sentir bien.

martes, 9 de febrero de 2010

Something Rare but Truly Special...Guess so!

what a beautiful day!
dont you think?
aki va una pequeña cancion
que bueno..... yo se porque es :D

you never know how much i really love you
you'll never know how much i really care.
listen, do you want to know a secret?
do you promise not to tell?
woh, woh, woh closer,
let me whisper in your ear
say the words you long to hear
i'm in love with you, ooh
listen, do you want to know a secret?
do you promise not to tell?
woh, woh, woh closer,
let me whisper in your ear
say the words you long to hear
i'm in love with you, ooh
i've know a secret for a week or two
nobody know just we two
listen, do you want to know a secret?
do you promise not to tell?
woh, woh, woh closer,
let me whisper in your ear
say the words you long to hear
i'm in love with you, oo, oo...




I Never thought of loving again... and i´m not planning it....
but.... I think at least I have started something really special here-!

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